The social marketplace for your college
The social marketplace for your college
The social marketplace for your college

Ohio State Crew $40

Fuze Request
Natalie wants to connect!

Going out to rowdies tonight. Anyone want to join?
Jacob Rushmore
Finance 2024

Ohio State Crew $40

Fuze Request
Natalie wants to connect!

Going out to rowdies tonight. Anyone want to join?
Jacob Rushmore
Finance 2024

Ohio State Crew $40

Fuze Request
Natalie wants to connect!

Going out to rowdies tonight. Anyone want to join?
Jacob Rushmore
Finance 2024
Browse your campus marketplace
The new way to buy and sell items with fellow classmates.

Nike Shoes

Lulu Leggings

Leaning Shelf

Nike Shoes

Lulu Leggings

Leaning Shelf

Nike Shoes

Lulu Leggings

Leaning Shelf

Share your college experience
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Build your profile with a personalized collage and interests.
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Join the conversation
Classes, clubs, sports, friends, roommates, classmates, anyone really… Chat with classmates easier than ever before.
Join the conversation
Classes, clubs, sports, friends, roommates, classmates, anyone really… Chat with classmates easier than ever before.

Join the conversation
Classes, clubs, sports, friends, roommates, classmates, anyone really… Chat with classmates easier than ever before.
Join the conversation
Classes, clubs, sports, friends, roommates, classmates, anyone really… Chat with classmates easier than ever before.
Happening on Campus
Happening on Campus

Sydney Holitzer
📚Spanish (2024)
FuzePrizes: My favorite memory at OSU is performing in the Greek Week variety show every year on my sorority's dance team!!! 💕

Bobby & Madison
For Prez & VP
Go Vote for Bobby and Madison for Student Body President and Vice President! Vote on this link:
Go Vote for Bobby and Madison for Student Body President and Vice President! Vote on this link:
Go Vote for Bobby and Madison for Student Body President and Vice President! Vote on this link:

Zach Imanura
📚Psychology (2025)
Woodys pizza is good
Woodys pizza is good
Woodys pizza is good

Justin Bauser
📚Finance (2024)
Sublease on North Northwood Ave. available from April through August 2023. Price and details are negotiable, so feel free to reach out with any questions.
Sublease on North Northwood Ave. available from April through August 2023. Price and details are negotiable, so feel free to reach out with any questions.
Sublease on North Northwood Ave. available from April through August 2023. Price and details are negotiable, so feel free to reach out with any questions.

FuzeMee Team
Official Account
Looking for an internship FuzeMee is teaming up with Virtual Internships to help students find an internship that matches their interests! Virtual Internships works exclusively with companies like Amazon, Google, MasterCard, and many more!
Check out the link to learn more!
Looking for an internship FuzeMee is teaming up with Virtual Internships to help students find an internship that matches their interests! Virtual Internships works exclusively with companies like Amazon, Google, MasterCard, and many more!
Check out the link to learn more!
Looking for an internship FuzeMee is teaming up with Virtual Internships to help students find an internship that matches their interests! Virtual Internships works exclusively with companies like Amazon, Google, MasterCard, and many more!
Check out the link to learn more!

Friday Beers Buckeyes
Ohio State
HAPPY SATURDAY 🤝 Get after it today 🤘
HAPPY SATURDAY 🤝 Get after it today 🤘
HAPPY SATURDAY 🤝 Get after it today 🤘

Abby Vanderwel
📚Business (2026)
I'm currently hiring students to join my marketing team this spring! Contact me if interested, or pass along to those who might be!
I'm currently hiring students to join my marketing team this spring! Contact me if interested, or pass along to those who might be!

Logan Santos
📚Business (2026)
Happy New Years!
Happy New Years!

Jayma Peyton
📚Nursing (2026)
Anyone selling Basketball tickets? I'm looking for 2 Big Ten packages, need asap!
Anyone selling Basketball tickets? I'm looking for 2 Big Ten packages, need asap!